Allot has transpired since part one of this series on rebuilding our communities. The global economy has been through an incredible series of events whose undulations have had far reaching effects. On one hand we can debate about who did what, when and how it was done and cast blame externally. However we cannot leave out the truth that putting our own selfish desires and having them in the mix with rampant temptation played a major role in this crisis. As a people we have been in the habit of having a false sense of priority when it comes to our spending habits and we’ve been sinning in the midst of abundance. At the end of the day, the rules of man will always fall in submission to the word of God. This crisis isn’t simply about the poor decisions of any administrations or the greed and corruption of high ranking executives in the financial markets. Times such as these are centered on the fact that God is the source and he supplies our needs and that we’ve lost our focus. In a 21 century society, Christians included, we have taken on the position of being self sufficient. “I got it” has been the resounding theme from music to television and the portrayal of success in the business community.
Shaking your head in disbelief? Let’s take a look at what has been transpiring over time. In part one of this article, we discussed specific areas that need to be addressed as a community, but now we’re going to address areas that need to be revealed individually. This is the time for reprioritization of self.
The Christian community outspends almost every demographic in the United States reflecting an increasing shortfall in the area of contentment. We’ve come to a place that has our fear of God being trumped by our fear of being without money and material things. We’ve become removed from the biblical accounts that define humility in finances. Instead some have followed the actions of the world and even those “Pas-stars”, whose actions and lifestyles are far from humble. Understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the economy if you understand that the Earth and everything in it belongs to God. Maybe God is taking a radical step to get the attention of his people in the one way that is guaranteed to do so. We’ve been idolizing real estate, vehicles, unreasonably expensive clothing and merchandise that our blessing of a job allowed us to buy. But we have a book full examples that show us how to do more with less and how if we come together we can do more than if we are separate.
In rebuilding our communities, we need to rebuild ourselves. Over the years I’ve run across many homeowners that were in such a rush to buy a large, beautiful home. Yet as time passed and the reality of homeownership sank in, I heard many of them say I wish I would have waited. I also heard them say, they weren’t ready. Growing up my parents always told me that my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I ate allot, not necessarily because I was hungry, but because great food was readily available. Many of us have made life changing purchases simply because we felt we could afford it and it’s available. We didn’t consider the long term effects of indulging our short term wants. We didn’t count the costs of ownership when we left the dealership in a brand new Chrysler 300 or BMW 3 series. We didn’t count the cost when we decided to get the 5 bedroom house versus the 2 bedroom condo. Though they may have costs the same price upfront, in both instances there is a severe difference in the cost of ownership.

At the end of the day, we need to adjust our own financial habits. One may feel that all the stars are aligned and the deal is so on time and that you have to make that purchase right away. We need to pause in the midst of our desires being tempted and ask for direction and guidance. Every analyst and tv commercial is telling us to buy, buy, buy. Buy a home because it’s the best time to buy. Buy a car, because it’s the best time to buy one. Buy stock because it’s the best time to do. The truth is, it’s anytime is the best time to buy real estate, automobiles and investments. The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not it’s the best time for me. How will it affect my household, my finances, my piece of mind, if I do this now. You can never go wrong waiting if you’re waiting on god to tell you what to do. We need to develop a stronger ability to say no to the things we want and say yes to the things God has for us.
© 2008 The Joseph Consortium, LLC

The Christian community outspends almost every demographic in the United States reflecting an increasing shortfall in the area of contentment. We’ve come to a place that has our fear of God being trumped by our fear of being without money and material things. We’ve become removed from the biblical accounts that define humility in finances. Instead some have followed the actions of the world and even those “Pas-stars”, whose actions and lifestyles are far from humble. Understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the economy if you understand that the Earth and everything in it belongs to God. Maybe God is taking a radical step to get the attention of his people in the one way that is guaranteed to do so. We’ve been idolizing real estate, vehicles, unreasonably expensive clothing and merchandise that our blessing of a job allowed us to buy. But we have a book full examples that show us how to do more with less and how if we come together we can do more than if we are separate.
In rebuilding our communities, we need to rebuild ourselves. Over the years I’ve run across many homeowners that were in such a rush to buy a large, beautiful home. Yet as time passed and the reality of homeownership sank in, I heard many of them say I wish I would have waited. I also heard them say, they weren’t ready. Growing up my parents always told me that my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I ate allot, not necessarily because I was hungry, but because great food was readily available. Many of us have made life changing purchases simply because we felt we could afford it and it’s available. We didn’t consider the long term effects of indulging our short term wants. We didn’t count the costs of ownership when we left the dealership in a brand new Chrysler 300 or BMW 3 series. We didn’t count the cost when we decided to get the 5 bedroom house versus the 2 bedroom condo. Though they may have costs the same price upfront, in both instances there is a severe difference in the cost of ownership.

At the end of the day, we need to adjust our own financial habits. One may feel that all the stars are aligned and the deal is so on time and that you have to make that purchase right away. We need to pause in the midst of our desires being tempted and ask for direction and guidance. Every analyst and tv commercial is telling us to buy, buy, buy. Buy a home because it’s the best time to buy. Buy a car, because it’s the best time to buy one. Buy stock because it’s the best time to do. The truth is, it’s anytime is the best time to buy real estate, automobiles and investments. The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not it’s the best time for me. How will it affect my household, my finances, my piece of mind, if I do this now. You can never go wrong waiting if you’re waiting on god to tell you what to do. We need to develop a stronger ability to say no to the things we want and say yes to the things God has for us.
© 2008 The Joseph Consortium, LLC
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